Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thurs April 21 6PM

I've just returned from Raleigh, called and got some info.
The anti-psychotic they're giving Ed is called Risperdal. I know he (the shrink) was talking about a large enough dose to be therapeutic but small enough that he doesn't fall asleep.

He was taken for dialysis first thing this am, then transported to a different hospital (my understanding) to have the new catheter installed. The old catheter was left in place because there's a long weekend ahead and they didn't want to have any trouble in the event the new catheter fails, they can always use the old one.
I guess they'll remove the old one on Monday.

more updates as soon as I can.


  1. Good to hear that Ed is improving. Please pass on to Jeanie that Sun-Ling and I will be home from our travels on May 7 and able to help as needed.

    -john meckley (neighbor on Deerview Drive)

  2. I wasn't able to speak with Ed today. I am traveling to Raleigh tomorrow afternoon, arriving to late for a Friday visit, but I will see Ed Saturday. I caught a little cold yesterday and feel better today - nearly rescheduled my trip, but I think I'm well enough to travel and no so sick as to jeopardize Ed. Enough about me. Looking forward to seeing Ed soon.

  3. This morning Ed was doing really well, He had a good night sleep,breakfast,good communication, then dialysis for 3.5 hours. He was given fresh frozen plasma to get enough clotting factors in him so that the insertion for the new catheter could be done today. At 1 pm the ambulance took him to big Wake hospital in Raleigh to insert the new catheter under his left clavicle. It was not pain free, but he did not complain to me.
    Tonight he had several visitors and was not even bothered by the light on in the room. He ate pizza that Zonda had brought and went for a walk with Greg in the hallways. It may be a side effect of the Risperdal that his voice is getting rough and he complains about his Eustachian tube being "open" and feels like his head is in a bucket. It sounds to me like congestion like after a flight. Congestion can also be a side effect of Risperdal. Jeanne will discuss it with the Dr. tomorrow and also find out what the plan is for removing the femoral catheter. Dialysis not scheduled for tomorrow, but may happen after tomorrows blood values are evaluated.
