A CT scan was ordered and executed earlier today to rule out mini-stroke or other brain issues. At 4:30PM, neurologist Dr. Gabr visited and reported that his CT was unremarkable, no evidence of stroke, tumor or seizure, his issues are metabolic. She diagnoses that Ed has delirium, which typically exhibits a sinusoidal pattern, as we are seeing. Ed's Risperdal had been reduced to 1x/day today and they will return to 2x/day tomorrow. Dr Gabr orderd an MRI for a more subtle structural brain scan. Which could be tonight or tomorrow. He would need to be administered Valium or Ativan (Loraepam) for sedation. I had reservations, considering the sedation required, which could set him back further. Dr Gabr also ordered Thiamin (B1).
At 5:40PM, Dr Godwin returned. We discussed the MRI and he said he would cancel the order. He thinks the MRI results would not change the treatment plan. Ed is making plenty of urine. Dr Godwin recommends Ed get out for a walk this evening.
Please tell Ed that Ryan and I are thinking about him! It was three years ago Easter day that Stuart made his BIG turnaround, and we are wishing the same for Ed! I am so glad to hear Ed is up and walking around! xoxoKaren