I'm greatly remiss in posting to this status blog. Sorry.
Adding some detail why I came home rather than being transferred to Rex Rehab Apex. On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, under the watchful eyes of a PT, a WakeTech student nurse, and an OT, I walked the halls of Ward 2 East. I asked them not to touch me, no assistance usless I threatened to fall. The third walk, I covered the halls completely, around every corner, to the end of every cul de sac, stopped at the nurses' station to confer with my nurse about what the hang-up was on transferring me to Rex Rehab which, at the time, I thought was the plan. Well, this resulted in those three writing "too favorable" reports of my condition resulting in Aetna-Medicare not covering Rex Rehab and my being discharged to home and Aetna-Medicare covering home health care.
Thursday morning, MediHome Health Agency nurses, Susan Williams and LuAnn ?, visited me to intake me to their care. They planned initial visits of an OT, PT, and skilled nurse who would call me. The OT called Friday, left a message, I returned message, he didn't return again that day. Early Monday, March 23, OT called, arranged to come that morning. I called MediHome to request PT call return. PT called, would come that afternoon. Both visited, conducted a few tests of my gait and leg strength, walked through how I visit toilet and shower, and my access to garage to get into Trooper. At their conclusions, they asked me to sign their notebooks, shook my hand, said I was done with them, am beyond any help they could offer. Wednesday, skilled nurse LuAnn visited, asked a few questions about fluid intake and medicines, asked me to sign her notebook, shook my hand, said that concluded my access to MediHome. Voila! I'm turned loose to my own recovery plan.
I had already commenced my plan Wednesday morning. Jeanne and I visited LifeTime Fitness to participate in Aqua Flex, a low-impact cardio and balance session. I was extremely challenged, stumbling to maintain my balance on one leg raised movements, had to grab edge of pool in balance movements. This is definitely a good session for me to start recovery, will attend again Friday. I also water walked about 10 laps, forward from one side to the other, then backward to side one. My new water exercise shoes added considerable resistance to moving my feet through the water.
I was somewhat shocked to stand on the scale and find I lost 10 pounds during this illness. I knew I lost some but 10 was more than expected. Again, as with kidney failure four years ago, probably all muscle lost, leaving only fat behind. I fear recovery from this illness is going to take a long time.