Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Unfortunately, It's time to reopen this blog - updates to be posted here

 We're supposed to have more info from Ed's Dr. later today, but I figured we could get this blog restarted asap.

Ed was admitted to Wake Medical Hospital late Sat evening  (3/7/15).

Here's what has happened, to the best of my knowledge, in chronological order.
Two weeks ago, both Ed and Jeanne came down with "the flu", or rather each presented flu like systems.
They claim to have gotten better only to reinfect one another such that this condition persisted for a couple of weeks.

Last week Ed had fallen out of bed in the middle of night (Monday 3/2/15). I Skyped with Ed on Tues 3/3 to discuss Jeanne's birthday and he didn't finish his message. Later, when speaking with Jeanne on the phone, he fell again and she had to jump off the line.

Since he seemed to be relatively well and cognitive, they decided to wait and see their family Dr the following morning. Ed saw a NP who ordered bloodwork and sent him home. To the best of my ability to sort out this visit, Ed was told he was low on Sodium and Dehydrated.

Sat evening Ed said he wanted to go to the hospital, his cognitive functioning was declining fast.
Jeanne and Frederike took him to the hospital. As he was walking and talking, and presenting as generally OK, they had to explain the litany of Ed's past incidents in order to convince the ER of the urgency of his condition. Finally they admitted him, but it was late into Sun.

Monday the Drs arrived and began ordering tests

Ed is unable to communicate over the phone (he can't hold the phone or a train of thought).

I have not yet spoken with the Dr, so this is what I've heard from those who were there and have visited with him, Frederike and Jeanne.

Ed had a CAT scan, an MRI and an Ultrasound on various organs.

Ed has had a mini-stroke, At some time in the past, not recently, but they can see the brain damage.

Ed also has "damage to the heart", also from some time ago, but to what degree is unknown.

Ed has cirrhosis of the liver. The nurse showed Jeanne the results of his various tests and one of those tests stated that his liver function was around 35%. I believe this is the result of an ultrasound on his liver, not a biopsy.

Yesterday, his cognitive and motor functions dropped further and he can no longer get up and walk to the bathroom by himself. He's "out of it" and his cognitive functioning appears to be deteriorating, specific cause unknown.

The guesses include alcohol withdrawal, complications from the cirrhosis, complications from his past kidney failure, a combination of all of the above, along with possible interactions with the medications he is taking.

I've been added as the 2nd family member for the Dr to contact so I await his call with a long list of questions. As I have more info and hopefully some answers, I will post any/all updates here.

If there are others in the Cary area, who visit with Ed and or speak with his Dr and wish to post and add info, by all means please do so.

Please pass along this blog address so we can have a single, coordinated point of information. This served us well during his kidney failure and I would like to continue using this for what I hope is only another episode.




  1. I received the following email from Friederike (Wed AM)

    "Ed is talking this morning and could hold and drink his own cup of coffee."

  2. I am very sorry to hear about Ed's health. Thank you to Friederike and others for providing assistance. Thank you to Brian for letting us know what is happening.

  3. I just got off the phone with Ed, he sounded much better than yesterday.
    We were able to talk for a bit, and though he was speaking very slowly, he was coherent, and could ask and answer questions. Apparently he's been up and around without a walker today, so this is our first ray of hope.
