Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Status Wed April 27

This is mostly a no-update, update. I spoke with Ed this am and he sounded good; clear, aware, awake, cognitive, etc. No dialysis scheduled for today. This coming Friday marks the end of week three. His numbers are still high. I spoke with my personal dr. yesterday and I mentioned Ed's situation; he told me that Vancomycin was a tough drug, very hard on the body. Ed was not told this, and his blood was not monitored throughout the course of treatment (4+ weeks). This only adds salt to the wound, knowing that it possibly could have been avoided. At least let this be a lesson to us all, if you know of anyone going on Vancomycin, be sure to ask for regular blood work and have kidneys monitored.

No other changes as of this morning, I'll talk to Ed later today.

EDIT: Moving text from one of the comments to top level, Friederike says she believes that Ed's blood was monitored weekly while taking Vanco. I'll have to check w/Ed.


  1. As far as i know, Ed's blood was monitored weekly while on vancomycin.

  2. That's the first I've heard of it.

    If they did, I'm surprised this affair occurred so suddenly, post Vanco.
