Monday, April 25, 2011

Status Mon April 25 Morn

My phone rang this am while trying to prepare breakfast for Neil and it was Ed calling. Knowing that I'm up early, I guess he was feeling chatty and he knew I would be up. He was clear and told me a story about his evening's sleep as well as the prior eve and his game of cards.
He's scheduled for dialysis today. Looks like they've settled on an every other day schedule unless circumstances call for change. He's up and relatively active, wanting to walk further; these are all good signs of a progressive recovery. I won't be happy until he's healthy enough for discharge and outpatient treatment, but I'm worried that between the kidneys and his back, he will never be the same, maybe we can hope that he'll be better for it somehow.
Ed is going to have to hire household help and delegate many of the projects he presently does himself.
Only time will tell how complete his recovery will be and he still has a collapsed vertebrae that needs to be fixed. I find it hard to believe his back Dr.(s) haven't even checked in on him at WakeMed. Maybe they've called and it's too much to expect them to travel the 15 minutes from Durham/Duke to Cary to see if they've killed him with the Vancomycin, no inquiries that I'm aware of.

We're now officially counting hospital time in weeks instead of days.


  1. My comment is that I have made 2 comments, that is one comment once & one comment twice. Tried to send but I don't have a URL or account for Open ID, AIM, TypePad, WordPress, or LiveJournal. I do however have a Google account but it didn't like my password so I reset it and followed that trail and can now read all comments on "my reading list" which I don't really need to do since I can read them here. My comment was not included even though I Clicked "Post Comment". Here goes another try!

  2. O.K.!!!! Let's try again!!
    Eating bacon!! This is even more serious than we have been thinking!! Ed, your brain has been .... (well you know). Kent & I have been trying to coordinate a trip over to see you unsuccessfully (as you know)
    Here are some excuses: I have been working with my cousin on his farm. It is hard and I'm tired & dirty afterwards. Both Kent & I went out of town for a long weekend. I was told that you are generally in better spirits the day after dialysis, of which today was one I guess. So, we'll try tomorrow evening. Dave G
